Gynecomastia (Male Breast Enlargement)
Enlarged male breast can cause emotional discomfort and impair your self-confidence. Gynecomastia can be surgically treated by excess fat, glandular tissue and/or skin. The result is better proportioned, more masculine-contoured upper body and the freedom and self confidence to lead an active life. Vaser Liposuction can give excellent results. Very rarely in large breast a small surgical removal might be required.
Duration of Eyelid Surgery?
Approximately 1-2 hours.
General or Local with sedation.
Recovery Time?
Return to work in 7 to 10 days. Resume vigorous activity in six to eight weeks.
Longevity of Results?
Long-lasting, although weight gain in the future can spoil the result.
Adolescents with Gynecomastia with no pathological cause may benefit immensely as it can restore their self-confidence and self-esteem.