Laser for Tattoo Removal
How do we treat?
The RevLite laser comes with a 1064-nanometer (Nd:YAG), nanosecond gated Q-switched laser wavelength. This is particularly good for dark blacks and dark blue tattoo pigments. The second Revlite laser wavelength of light is the 532-nanometer, nanosecond gated wavelength. This is optimal for red tattoo pigments.
Duration of surgery?
10-20 Minutes depending on the size of tattoo.
Pain level?
Moderate pain.
Dark blue, black, red.
Is it permanent?
The Revlite Laser Tattoo removal has an exclusive PhotoAcoustic Technology PulseTM (PTP) system which provides a unique dispersion of energy that delivers very narrow pulse widths at peak power. This allows for efficient removal of unwanted inks.